Friday, February 6, 2009


What is Web Quest?

Web Quest is a learning activity used by educator. During this activity learners read, analyze and synthesize information using World Wide Web. It is also an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet optionally supplemented with videoconferencing.

How will it help students and teachers in learning?

Since the Web Quest are activities using Internet resources, it help students in terms of learning because it encourage students to use Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Students also provided with online resources and are asked to use this information constructively to solve the presented problem. Students are given more time to analyze, criticize and assess the information they find. Web quests are a way to let students work at their own pace, either individually or in teams. Students also develop their creativity by the use of Web Quest. Students will not only learned and also entertain because Web Quest provides stimulating task, activities or games that will motivate them to learn. An example of this is the “hook”.

"Web Quest," as defined by Tom March, circa 2003

"A Web Quest is a scaffolded learning structure that uses links to essential resources on the World Wide Web and an authentic task to motivate students’ investigation of a central, open-ended question, development of individual expertise and participation in a final group process that attempts to transform newly acquired information into a more sophisticated understanding. The best Web Quests do this in a way that inspires students to see richer thematic relationships, facilitate a contribution to the real world of learning and reflect on their own metacognitive processes."

Web Quest helps the teachers in terms of making learning activities that will help students to learn as well as entertain. It serves as an aid for teachers to make the learning process become effective and easy. And the teachers will not spend more effort and time just to discuss the lesson in front of the class but rather using the web quest as a powerful learning tool. Lastly, the teachers will only facilitate the learning process of the students.

Will it be applicable in our country? How?

Definitely Yes, it is applicable here in the Philippines because nowadays students are already exposed to the internet. Most of the students are become dependent in the internet and also they used the internet as their tool to get information. So it will applicable but the problem is, are the teachers are prepared to use this tools and did we have enough budget to support this tool? Hence, there are ways so that we can have these tools here in our country.

How Web Quest become applicable here in our country?

By letting teachers exposed themselves to this tool so that they will understand the importance of this Web Quest in the student’s learning. By considering our student’s capabilities in terms of manipulating the computer and by gathering enough money to support this tools. And lastly, the public and private schools should have enough facilities that will cater the Web Quest for example computers with internet. Trough these, Web Quest will become applicable here in our country.

Saturday, January 31, 2009



One of the fundamental operation in Mathematics is the Multiplication. Multiplication should be mastered by the students so that they can be able to apply it in the next principles or operations in Mathematics.It was said that "We should teach the students from basic to complex". This particular software is intended for Behaviorist students because its all about stimulus-response-reinforcement approach.This software is called as inter-active games because players or students inter-act to the computer by means of answering the given questions. It will work because the student can be able to practice multiplication by means of games. And it is also advantangeos because the students will learn at the same time they will entertain or enjoy.As I said earlier that this software applied the theory of simulus-response-reinforcement approach because the stimilus will be the numbers that should be multiplied while the response will be the answer and the reinforcement is getting high score and in this game the customer will give happy smile if you got the correct answer. And most of all, the environment of the game is appealing especially for elementary students because it is colorfol ,lots of design ,it is animated and there is also sound effects that children most like.And lastly, this software will be the springboard for students to practice and mastered the multiplication.

This next sofware is for Cognitivist students because it pertains in receving-processing-storing of information to the memory or minds of the students.Upon playing this video the students will recieve the information and then remember it and then he will apply it.This software portrays the new math formula to solve multiplication problems.It also shows the techniques on how to get the product in easy way and understandable way. This sofware helps the students to learn or know the shortcuts in multiplying numbers and mastered it so that they can be able to apply it in the school. And also this sofware provides lots of information and videos that will enhance the learning of the students in mathematics.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I always ask myself "Am I beautiful?" but I can't answer it because beauty is cannot be seen only outside but rather inside.