Friday, November 21, 2008

Assingment #2

1. The title of the symposium was the "Mediatization of the Youth". The speaker was Fr. Christian Buenafe,O'Cram.
One of the topics of the symposium was about the forms of media. There are four forms of media. These are the folk/traditional media, group/visual media, print, and broadcast and electronic media.
Folk/traditional media- form of media that are based on the traditions. For example dances, rituals, story telling, songs and theaters.
Group/visual media- form of media that we can perceive through our eyes. For example banners, flip charts, slides, billboards, photos, and blackboards.
Print- form of media that are printed in a paper or other materials. For example newspaper, magazines, newsletter and booklet.
Broadcast/electronic media- form of media that are belong to the devices or gadgets. For example radio, television, cellphone and video cam.

2.(a) The contribution of computer technology in media are the following. It improved and enhanced the media. It broaden the usefulness of media and it modernized or provide an advanced technology in media so that it easy to manipulate. And it provides new trends of media.

(b) Media affects education by enhancing the learning process of students, provides an optimum knowledge about something, the acquiring of learning's are made easier and decreases the time of learning acquisition but without affecting the quality of education. Media are used to assist or support educators in teaching-learning process. It also increase educators ability to transmit learning's to the student, it nurture the educational needs of every students and it improves the quality education.
But beside of the positive effects of media to education there are also negative effects of media to education. First , it decreases comprehension and focus of students and also decreases the spelling capabilities of a students.

(c) Technologies are very powerful in terms of media. This is because media nowadays are being wide spread and well-known all over the world by using new technologies. Through high technologies the media are being transformed to a very valuable and recognizing stuffs. It also influence the daily lives of people because the people nowadays are so dependent in media.
Technologies are very powerful in terms of education because it can reform the educational system of a school and the education nowadays cannot stand alone without the existence of the technologies.

3. The movie was all about the painting painted by Joey Velasco. The painting showed children in the society who are graving for the basic needs of life as well as love and care.
In the painting the children are with Jesus Christ in a dining room. They seek for the grace and bless of God.
When I saw the painting it made me realized that children who need help should be given a chance to receive the gracefulness and blessings of God.
In relation to education the painting entitled as "Hapag ng Pag-asa" symbolized that children should be given a chance to have an education and the best teacher of all was Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

jocil sarong said...

you make your ideas with your own opinion, hope you can share it to others of what you have learned.jejeje